Travel insurance and covid-19 coverage

by | Jul 19, 2021 | Blog, Travel insurance

Summer has arrived and so have the long-awaited holidays, this year a significant increase is expected in national and international trips and also in the contracting of Travel Insurance.

Does Travel Insurance have coverage in case of contagion of Covid 19?

YES, in fact it is the most important coverage currently, make sure that the insurance you hire has it included because some countries require that coverage to be able to access the country.

And what does it cover in case of being positive with Covid?

Medical Assistance in case of contagion by COVID-19. The capital to hire varies, choose a high enough capital for the country you are traveling to, many require a minimum capital, over €50,000.

Travel Assistance; insurance companies have a network of Medical Centres distributed throughout the world. Simply by calling the Travel Assistance number, they will help you find a Medical Centre wherever you are.

Cancellation expenses up to the contracted limit in case of testing positive for COVID-19 disease before the trip. If it is a relative, there is coverage if this is symptomatic and is hospitalized.

Extension of stay, Hotel expenses, in case of accident or illness including COVID-19, with the limits set by each company, this is very important because depending on the country to which you travel they may require some capital or others.

Does my Health Insurance cover Travel Assistance?

All the Private Health Insurances of the important companies, DKV, Adeslas, Sanitas, Asisa, Fiatc…. They include Travel Assistance for Emergencies abroad, but they may not cover in case of contagion of Covid 19.


Travel insurance does not cover trip cancellation costs if the COVID-19 pandemic is declared or is declared whilst being in the destination country to which you want to travel.

The costs of tests before traveling (PCR, antigens) and not prescribed by a medical professional are not covered.

Our advice; If you are going to travel abroad, find out about the requirements they ask to enter the country and the coverage that you must have in your Travel Insurance.

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